Can I smoke after a hair transplant?

man who has had a hair transplant

Can I smoke after a hair transplant?


After spending thousands on a hair transplant procedure we want to give ourselves the best chance of a successful surgery and hair growing back in full. There are many chemicals in cigarettes and cigarette smoke that can damage the blood vessels on the surface of the skin. Many people who are looking to undergo a hair transplant often wonder if they can smoke after the procedure.



Smoking causes a build-up of fatty deposits in the blood vessels, known as arteriosclerosis. Nicotine in cigarettes causes the blood vessels to narrow. Constricted blood vessels prevent blood from getting to the surface of the skin. You should avoid smoking after a hair transplant surgery. 



Smoking can have a negative effect on the circulation of the blood. For best results, you should not smoke after a hair transplant. It may be beneficial to attempt to quit smoking in the weeks prior to a transplant to ensure the best results possible.Regularly lighting up cigarettes or cigars will damage your ability to grow new healthy hair follicles which could ultimately lead to bald patches when older hairs fall out from lack of growth.



The chemicals in cigarettes can impede the blood’s ability to carry oxygen around your body. This means it may take longer for surgery incisions to heal, putting you at greater risk of infection and poor scarring.



Smoking also increases postoperative bleeding which prolongs wound healing time and results in more bruising than if one had not smoked before or after their procedure  In addition, smoking decreases a person’s immune system response so they are less able fight off infections themselves.



 Smoking is also known for causing scalp inflammation that leads to increased sensitivity around your hair transplant grafts and slower healing times post-surgery.


The good news though is that it’s never too late to attempt to stop.


How long after a hair transplant procedure can I start smoking?


 It is recommended that you stop smoking in the weeks prior to your hair transplant from Turkey   in order to allow for best results. After your surgery, you should wait at least 4-6 weeks after surgery before smoking again. The longer you delay smoking the more chance you give your body of recording from the procedure and the new hair growing to its full potential.


How does smoking affect blood vessels?


As mentioned above, Smoking causes a build-up of fatty deposits in the blood vessels. This is known as arteriosclerosis. Nicotine in cigarettes causes the blood vessels to narrow. Constricted blood vessels prevent blood from getting to the surface of the skin.


Exposure to second-hand smoke can have these same effects on the heart and blood vessels, but risk is lowered if you stop smoking.


Hair Transplant Surgery Recovery Advice


You need to pay attention to what goes into your body after a hair transplant surgery. Don’t drink coffee or alcohol before or after because they can make electrolytes imbalanced which affect blood pressure levels. Avoid strenuous activities like running around with friends until at least 7 days postop if possible, otherwise. You should aim to avoid any activity where rubbing might happen. Rubbing the hair follicles can affect the healing process.


When you shampoo, use gentle motions with your fingertips or rinse only with water instead of rubbing your newly transplanted grafts. Limit washing to every other day if possible and avoid using any product which may irritate your scalps such as alcohol-based products and heavy oils.


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